Judicial Branch Certification Commission



A person seeking to appeal an order imposing a penalty and/or sanction shall submit a written request to appeal such order to the General Counsel of the Office within 30 days after the JBCC’s order is issued.

  • The General Counsel shall promptly forward the appeal to a special committee consisting of three Administrative Regional Presiding Judges, see Texas Government Code Section 74.041.
  • The special committee shall consider the appeal under an abuse of discretion standard of review for all issues except issues involving questions of law. The standard of review for issues involving questions of law is de novo. Under either standard, the burden is on the appellant to establish that the JBCC’s decision was erroneous.
  • If the special committee does not sustain the finding that a violation occurred, the special committee shall order that a penalty is not owed and that a sanction may not be imposed.
  • The special committee shall notify the JBCC and appellant in writing of its decision.
  • No rehearing or further appeal shall be allowed.

For further information please refer to the JBCC Rules.

Updated: 08/31/2024