Centers of Excellence

Centers of Excellence: A Judicial Branch Performance Initiative

The Centers of Excellence Program is an initiative by the Texas Judicial Council to identify, support, and highlight the excellent work done by courts across the state. The program seeks to find those courts with a commitment to excellence in serving their communities, supporting their counties, and representing the judiciary in an outstanding manner.

The program is centered around four key performance areas and five statutory compliance areas.

Performance Areas

  1. Governance
  2. Access and Fairness
  3. Data Driven Caseflow Management
  4. Court Operations

Compliance Areas

  1. Judicial Reporting
  2. Court Security
  3. Court Collection
  4. Indigent Defense
  5. Guardianship Fraud and Abuse Prevention

All levels and jurisdictions of courts are eligible to participate in the Centers of Excellence Program. There are no minimum requirements to begin. However, courts are encouraged to be ready to implement significant change and take a deep look at court processes. The Office of Court Administration will need to review court processes, view internal documents and reports, and conduct an onsite visit before a court is nominated for Centers of Excellence Status