OCA Employee Reference
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Whatever life event you or your family members may be facing-a new home, caring for an older loved one or coping with change and stress- our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help! AllOne Health is our EAP, offering you and your family valuable, confidential services at no cost to you. Designed to help you manage daily responsibilities, life events, work stresses, or issues affecting your quality of life, EAP is available to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
AllOne Health
Toll-Free: (888) 993-7650
Website: https://allonehealthdo.mylifeexpert.com
Create an account by clicking "Sign Up". Enter TXOCA for the company code, your work email address, then create a password.
Texas Legal
Texas Legal, a nonprofit organization, founded by the State Bar and the Texas State Legislature, provides legal insurance to Texans. Legal insurance covers the fees of working with in-network attorneys, ensuring the resolution of personal legal matters is always affordable, accessible, and convenient.
Employees Retirement System (ERS)
ERS administers retirement, health, and other insurance benefits, Texflex, a tax-savings flexible benefits program, and 401(k) and 457 investment accounts as part of the TexaSaver Program. ERS also manages and invests in the ERS Trust for the sole benefit of retirement system members.
The ERS website is your best resource for benefits information.
OCA Kudos
OCA Kudos is an email recognition sent to OCA team members when they go above and beyond their normal job duties. It’s a simple way to show some recognition for a job well done!
OCA Kudos can be sent to someone for:
- sharing a great idea to improve work processes
- taking the initiative to implement new ideas
- doing something that improves efficiency or operations
- putting in an extra effort
- doing something to improve team morale
- exemplifying excellent customer service internally or externally
- doing something above and beyond their normal job duties
Email OCAKudos@txcourts.gov with the employee's name and a brief explanation telling why an OCA Kudos should be given.
Human Resources will send the Kudos to the employee, their manager, and file it in their personnel file.
Remember, "If you see it, say it!"