Public Safety Report System

Training & Education 

PSRS Training

OCA was required to implement a standardized public safety report system (PSRS) for statewide use, and OCA subsequently contracted with Catalis to provide the PSRS. 

You may access Catalis's training information through the PSRS "Help" tab.

Judicial Education

Required Judicial Education - 8-Hour Course Regarding Duties of Magistrates:

Only judges who are compliant with the judicial education requirements of Art. 17.024, Code of Criminal Procedure may set bail for a defendant who has been charged with a Class B misdemeanor or higher category offense. Art. 17.024 requires the completion of an 8-hour judicial education course on the duties of a magistrate, including duties with respect to setting bail in criminal cases. After the initial 8-hour training, judges will need to take a 2-hour judicial education course on the duties of a magistrate in each subsequent state fiscal biennium in which the judge serves. (Please note that all Justices of the Peace must take this training regardless of whether they set bail.)

Judges who are appointed/elected after April 1, 2022, must complete training within 90 days. The Texas Center for the Judiciary will provide training for district and statutory county court judges, the Texas Association of Counties will provide training for constitutional county judges, Texas Municipal Court Education Center for Municipal Judges, and the Justice Court Training Center will provide training for Justices of the Peace. Please refer to your appropriate judicial education entity for more information on their courses.

DPS Required Certifications & Training

DPS Required Certifications and Training

OCA Training

Our Q&A Sessions include system demos and updates of the latest enhancements. The schedule and Zoom links can be found on the PSRS Home page.