Statistics & Other Data

District & County Court-Level Reporting 

Reporting for Counties with a Population Over 1 Million

Section 71.035(a) of the Texas Government Code requires counties with a population of at least one million to include additional information in their monthly reports for each district and county court in the county

Court Level Monthly Reports - Population Over 1 Million

Performance Measures for District & County Courts

Section 72.083(b) of the Texas Government Code requires the Office of Court Administration to collect and publish a report annually including performance measures for each district court, statutory county court, statutory probate court, and county court. Each clerk office is required to submit district, statutory, statutory probate, and county court level data by November 1 covering the state fiscal year September 1 through August 31. The first report covers data from March 1, 2024, through August 31, 2024.

District & County Court Performance Measures Dashboard