Register a Guardianship

Our team is unable to accommodate walk-in customers. If you need assistance, please contact this department via the contact information at the bottom of this page. If we are unable to resolve matters by email, please feel free to request an appointment by phone, or a virtual call with a licensing specialist via Zoom for further assistance.

Inquiries Regarding Paperwork

Please be advised that we review and process applications as soon as possible in the order in which they are received. Given the various factors involved, including the high volume received in this department and multiple entities being involved in the registration process, we are unable to provide a more specific timeframe.

Applicants can confirm receipt of their applications, the status of their applications, and their applications progress by referring to the View Pending Online Applications page of their online profiles. From this page, they can verify the following information 24/7:

  1. Confirm receipt of documents uploaded to their application by looking at the number reflect next to the Document(s) link.
    • If it shows (0), the document was not uploaded (i.e., it was not received).
    • If it shows (1), or any number other than 0, the document was uploaded (i.e., it has been received).
  2. Check their applications status.
    • By hovering their mouse over the status, they'll also be able to see descriptive text that explains what the status means.
  3. Check the progress of their applications by clicking the View Details link to see which items on their application's checklist have been completed, and which are still pending. For example, it allows them to:
    • See if the court has been notified of their registration.
    • See if their background check has been completed.
    • See if the background check was sent to the court.
    • See if the review of their guardianship information has been completed.
    • See if we've received their qualification date from the court.

Applicants are also sent automated email confirmations when their application has been received, and when their applications are approved.

We receive many inquiries for status checks, and each takes time to research and respond to which can cause delays in processing. So that we may process applications as quickly and efficiently as possible, we strongly encourage applicants, and the attorney's representing them, to fully utilize the online system to keep up with their applications. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.

Contacting the Guardianship Registration (GR) Department

IMPORTANT: Under section 155.155 of the Government Code, please be advised that the JBCC cannot confirm registration data to anyone outside of law enforcement and the county where the registration is filed. If you are a guardianship program, a guardian, a proposed guardian, or an attorney that represents a proposed guardian that needs to confirm registration data (i.e., information about the guardian, the ward, or the case), you must do the following:

  • Contact the court where the guardianship is filed, or
  • Login to your online profile and go to the Additional Information page of your profile. You will find all registrations submitted to us on that page.

The following tips can help staff to clearly ascertain the situation so they may better assist you.

  • Include your first and last name so we know with whom we’re corresponding.
  • Provide details regarding the matter for which you need assistance.
  • If your inquiry pertains to an application you submitted, include the transaction number and the date you submitted the application.

Contact by Email:

  1. Non-criminal history matters:
  2. Criminal history matters: 
Please email us so a licensing specialist can assist you if: 
  • You get an error message saying your data already exists in the system. Do not create another profile
  • You were unable to obtain your login name and/or reset your password using the Forgot Login/Password link. Do not create another profile. 
  • You made a mistake on your application and need to correct it. Do not create another profile or submit another application.

To help us better assist you, and help to prevent your email from being tagged as suspicious and being quarantined before we can see it, communications by email should also:

  • Include a subject line that briefly indicates what the email pertains to. Please do not leave the subject line blank. For example, good subjects would be “Registration help for Jane Doe”, or “Registration Inquiry for John Doe”, and bad subjects would be “Help”, “Call Me”, or other non-descript subjects.
  • Ensure that any document attachments are named in a way which clearly identifies the document. For example, “Contact Update for Jane Doe”, “Screenshot-Login page”, etc.  
    • Documentation must only be in one of these formats: PDF, Word, JPG, JPEG, or PNG.
    • For security purposes, do not submit documents by way of external links (i.e., linking to a cloud such as Adobe, One drive, or other equivalent source). 

Contact by Phone: 

Additional contact information is located at the bottom of this page in the footer.

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Updated: 03/25/2025