Court Consultant Services
The Court Services Consultant program is a service which allows the Office of Court Administration (OCA) to fulfill its responsibility under Section 72.024 of the Texas Government Code "to consult with and assist courts in the efficient administration of justice." The OCA Consultant will assist a court or clerk's office in evaluating and implementing case management and administrative programs to improve the efficiency of court or clerk operations and the administration of justice - a key element of OCA's mission.
The OCA Consultant is available to come to your courthouse to provide consulting services, technical assistance, and training on a variety of court administration matters. In addition to providing on-site services, the Consultant is available to answer questions and provide technical assistance by phone or email.
The service is FREE to courts. However, because of limited travel funds, OCA may request that a court receiving on-site services cover the Consultant's travel costs when possible.
What Services can we offer your Court?
OCA's Court Consultant Program offers technical assistance on court administration matters including:
- Evaluation and development of case management strategies
- Calendaring procedures
- Jury Management
- Development of forms
- Assignment of judges
- Caseflow management
How can we help with Caseflow Management?
Caseflow Management is the process by which courts carry out their primary function: moving cases from filing to closure. This includes all pretrial events, trials, and, increasingly events that follow closure to ensure the integrity of court orders and timely completion of post-disposition case activity.
Effective Caseflow Management makes justice possible not only in individual cases but also across judicial systems and courts, both trial and appellate.
Caseflow Management helps ensure that every litigant receives procedural due process and equal protection. Properly understood, Caseflow Management is the absolute heart of court management.
What are recommended practices for working case backlogs?
Some courts across the country are experiencing backlogs in case management. OCA has worked with judges, court administrators and clerks across the state to come up with a list of Best Practices to help courts address and overcome their backlog.
How do I learn more information?
To find out more on any of our services, please contact Court Consultant, Clarissa Webster, at 737-393-5969.