Eighth Court of Appeals
Chief Justice Salas Mendoza
Chief Justice Salas Mendoza began her legal career at the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law in south Los Angeles, where she trained volunteer lawyers and students to assist low-income clients representing themselves in family law matters. She also led Spanish-language clinics for clients in east Los Angeles communities. Upon returning to El Paso in 1996, Chief Salas worked as... Read more
Justice Gina M. Palafox
Place 3
Justice Palafox was elected to the Eighth Court of Appeals in November 2016 and began serving on January 3, 2017. Before her judicial service, Justice Palafox engaged in the private practice of law, worked in health care management, and taught at the university level, among other professional activities. As a solo practitioner, she primarily represented clients in civil and business... Read more
Justice Lisa Soto
Place 2
Justice Soto joined the Eighth Court of Appeals on January 1, 2023. To the bench, she brings 25 years of civil law experience from practicing in Texas and California. In Texas, she worked for an Austin-based firm where she represented employees, small businesses, and organizations primarily in contracts and labor and employment cases in various forums and venues. In California,... Read more