Guardianship Abuse, Fraud, and Exploitation Deterrence Program (GAFEDP)

Guardianship Resources 

Guardianship Webinars and Articles

To help courts effectively handle the growing number of guardianship cases, the National Center for State Courts' (NCSC) Center for Elders and the Courts developed "How to Protect Our Nation's Most Vulnerable Adults Through Effective Guardianship Practices", a webinar that focuses on three objectives:

  1. to provide a general overview of the complexity and importance of guardianship cases,
  2. to share practices that enhance court efficiencies and oversight, and
  3. to provide action steps courts can take to improve guardianship practices.

The webinar, sponsored by the National Association for Court Management, based on its Adult Guardianship Guide, encouraged courts to improve data collection and move toward performance measures. General pre-adjudication and post-adjudication processes were noted, with fundamental activities and innovative practices underscored at each stage.

Guardianship Study

Please find Texas Guardianship Cases: Improving Court Processes and Monitoring Practices in Texas Courts on the Studies & Special Reports Publications page.

Adult Guardianship Guide