District & County Court-Level Reporting

Counties Population Over 1 Million Reporting (HB 1182) 

Reporting Requirements

Section 71.035(a) of the Texas Government Code, (added by HB 1182, 88th Legislature, Regular Session) requires counties with a population of at least one million to include additional information in their monthly reports for each district and county court in the county

The reports must include: 

  1. The number of cases assigned to the court;
  2. The case clearance rate for the court;
  3. The number of cases disposed by the court;
  4. The number of jury panels empaneled for the court;
  5. The number of orders of continuance for an attorney before the court or by the court;
  6. The number of pleas accepted by the court;
  7. The number of cases tried by the judge of the court or before a jury; and
  8. The number of cases tried before a visiting or associate judge of the court.

Reports must be submitted to OCA no later than the 20th day of the month following the month reported. 

Reporting by court will begin April 2024 starting with March 2024 data. OCA will publish the information every month at the link below. In the interim, the current District Court and County Court Monthly Court Activity Reports containing countywide information will be posted for each county. 

Reporting Instructions and Guidance Documents

Reporting Instructions

Probate/Mental Health Guidance

Guidance on Transfers between Courts

Frequently Asked Questions

Please send questions to judinfo@txcourts.gov.

Report Submission and Templates


Fill out the template that corresponds to the court level being reported. Make sure the Court Identifier and Court Name match the format and text in the Court Identifiers Spreadsheet. Case Management System Vendors and local IT staff should reference the Court Identifiers Spreadsheet if templates are developed in the CMS.

Court Identifiers Spreadsheet

HB 1182 District Courts

HB 1182 Statutory County Courts

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Please email your reports to data.division@txcourts.gov.

Monthly Court-Level Reports

Submitted reports can be found here.